
The municipality of Utrecht collects your waste once or twice (city center) a week. In some parts of Utrecht, waste is disposed in undergrounds containers.
Everything you need to know about your household waste
If you recycle your waste as much as possible, you contribute to a better environment and lower processing costs. In Utrecht, we collect glass, paper, textile and garden waste (including vegetables and fruit) separately. You are also required to keep any kind of chemical waste separate and deposit it at the closest municipal recycling center. Do you want to know when your waste is collected? Look at the Afvalwijzer, a website with all the information.
Mijn afvalwijzer in English
Do you want to know when your waste is being collected? Look at www.mijnafvalwijzer.nl. After filling out your zip code and house number, you can choose for English (English flag at top right).
You can also download the Afvalwijzer App. In the app you can choose for English.
If your waste is collected in a kliko (140 or 240 l. container), you can put the container by the road after 22:00 the day before collection and before 8:00 on the day of collection.
To order a (new) Kliko container, please call the Utrecht Service Number: 030 - 286 00 00.