How to make an appointment

If you want to make an appointment for any product of gemeente Utrecht, please do so digitally through the webpage. The webpage is in Dutch. The instruction below helps you make your appointment.

Instruction how to make an appointment

Note: the instruction below covers the mail questions asked in the appointment-tool of gemeente Utrecht. In some cases less questions are asked.

  1. Go to the 'afspraak maken' tool van gemeente Utrecht. ('Afspraak maken' is Dutch for 'making an appointment'.)
  2. Select the first tile called 'Burgerzaken'.
  3. On the next page you'll find 4 drop down menus. Select 'Burgerzaken' in the first drop down menu and a product list will unfold itself. You can find translations of the most important products here.
  4. Choose your product. For instance 'Verhuizen vanuit het buitenland (immigration)'.
  5. After you choose your product, you will be asked to indicate 'Persoon/personen' (how many persons). So if you immigrate with your spouse and 2 children, you will indicate 4. It is important to do this correctly. The program automatically calculates the time needed at the desk of gemeente Utrecht.
  6. Now open menu 2 'Kies locatie' (choose location).
  7. You will be asked to choose your the location of your appointment. Choose 'Publiekszaken'. This is the main building of gemeente Utrecht. You will be able to make an appointment for all products of gemeente Utrecht at this location.
  8. Menu 3 unfolds where you have to select your preferred date and time for the appointment.
  9. Menu 4 unfolds where you have to fill out your personal information. Please do so correctly, so we can help you best at your appointment.

    Voornamen: First name
    Achternaam: Family name
    Geboortedatum: Date of birth dd/mm/yyyy|
    E-mailadres: E-mail address, important, you will receive a confirmation of your appointment at your e-mail address
    Land code: Country code of your telephone number
    Mobiele telefoonnummer: Number of you phone

  10. Check the box 'Ik ga akkoord met het privacybeleid' (I agree with the privacy policy).
  11. Finish by clicking the button 'MAAK AFSPRAAK' (Make appointment).

You made your appointment. A confirmation of your appointment will be send to your e-mail address.

Translation main products
If you want an appointment for:    Choose this product:
Immigration (coming to the Netherlands)Verhuizen vanuit het buitenland (immigration)
Appointment Erkend Referent for Expat
Expat Center Utrecht (alleen door Erkend Referent)
Registration Non Resident (RNI)RNI inschrijving (RNI registration)
Applying for an extract RNIRNI uittreksel (RNI extract)
Moving within UtrechtVerhuizen binnen Utrecht
Moving from another municipality to UtrechtVerhuizen naar Utrecht
Registration of birthGeboorteaangifte
Pick up Waste permit for householdsAfhalen afvalpas
Recognition unborn childErkenning kind(eren)
Marriage (information)Huwelijkszaken (information)
Resident Parking PermitParkeervergunning bewoner
Applying for driver’s licenseRijbewijs aanvragen
Report lost Passports of driver’s licenseVermissing reisdocument of rijbewijs doorgeven

On appointment

When you visit the Stadskantoor for your appointment, go to one of the appointment-computers in the central hall. Use your confirmation e-mail or use your date of birth to get an appointment-ticket.

On the ticket you will find a letter and a number. The letter indicates on which floor you have to be for your appointment. There are red letters on the different floors. The number is your appointment number. Your number will be called and published on the tv screens on the different floors.

If you need assistance, you can ask our ‘welcome personnel’. They wear a red scarf and walk around in the central area. Or go to the customer service desk.

Need help?

If you find making an appointment difficult, please call our Customer Service (030 - 286 00 00). They can help you make an appointment. You will hear a menu in Dutch, please hold the line for an operator.