Filming in Utrecht

Considering filming in Utrecht?
Utrecht offers loads of added value thanks to its wide range of locations and atmospheres, physical space, unparalleled range of suppliers, its proximity to Amsterdam and excellent and quick rail and road connections. The Film Commission Utrecht has close contacts in the Permits Department and can assure a swift turnaround time. If needed, the Film Commission Utrecht will cooperate with other local film commissions, such as those in Amsterdam and Rotterdam. The Film Commission Utrecht is member of EUFCN (European Film Commissions Network).
The Film Commission Utrecht can help you with:
- Assistance and advice in finding suitable locations. Naturally, Utrecht features many striking places, but producers are often looking for a very distinct location with a specific atmosphere for one or more scenes. The standard tourist spots such as Cathedral Square are often high on the list, but Utrecht also offers remote industrial sites, city parks and inner-city districts providing various scenery and atmospheres.
- Accessing the local suppliers network.
- Finding space and facilities for your production team.
- Quick intake with the City of Utrecht Permits Department and swift turnaround times.
- During filming we will continue to liaise with you.
Step-by-step plan and contact form
- The Film Commission Utrecht would appreciate getting in touch with producers and/or location scouts at an early stage so that we can learn all about your specific needs.
- We will look into all required permits and licensing with an official from the Utrecht Permits Department and we will provide advice and recommendations as necessary.
- Please note that the film producer is responsible for applying for the relevant permits.
- We will continue to liaise with you during filming.
Please contact the Film Commission to set up an appointment.
About the Film Commission
If you consider filming in Utrecht, you will have the benefit of a single point of contact: the Film Commission Utrecht. They are your service point for film in the city of Utrecht. The Film Commission is the liaison between producers, location scouts and the city of Utrecht itself. The Film Commission ensures a high profile for the city and its economic activities, making filming in Utrecht an appealing option.
Contact Film Commission
Phone (including evenings/weekends)
Marlou Heijnen
+31 (0)6 - 41 86 20 58
+31 (0)6 - 55 17 68 83
Street address
Stadsplateau 1
3521 AZ Utrecht
Opening hours
Monday – Friday
9.00 to 17.00
Postal address
PO Box 16200
3500 CE Utrecht