Manual My Parking Action

Activating My Parking Action

Were you already using parking discounts for visitors, informal, home and/or maternity care before 29 August 2023? If so, please submit your e-mail address first:

  • Submit e-mail address.
  • Log in with your DigiD.
  • Click on your name in the upper right corner. You will be redirected to a new page.
  • Enter your e-mail address and click on ‘Save’. Your e-mail address has now been added.

If you do not have a DigiD and cannot apply for one, you may submit your e-mail address using the Ask a parking question form. In the form, write that you are submitting your e-mail address for the My Parking Action web app.

Next, go to My Parking Action on your phone, tablet or computer.

  • Click on ‘Activate account’.
  • Enter your e-mail address and click on 'Send'.
  • You will receive an e-mail with an activation link.
  • Did you not receive the activation e-mail?
    • You only need one account for all parking discounts (for visitors, informal or home and maternity care). Are you already making use of one of these parking discounts? And have you submitted an e-mail address for that purpose? That means you already have an account. You can use that account to log in on the web app.
    • Verify that you have entered your e-mail address correctly.
    • Verify that the e-mail address you used for the web app is the same as the e-mail address you have submitted on
    • Check whether the activation e-mail is in your spam inbox.
    • Wait a few minutes, it may take some time before you receive the activation e-mail.
  • Did you receive the e-mail? Then click on the activation link.
  • Submit your desired password.
  • Your new password must meet the following conditions:
    • At least 8 characters.
    • At least one lowercase letter.
    • At least one uppercase letter.
    • At least one number.
  • Enter the same password under ‘Confirm password’.
  • Click the ‘Save’ button.

Your account has been activated. You can now log in.

If you are not yet making use of a parking discount for visitors, informal, home or maternity care, you must apply for it first. Please visit: Resident discount for visitorsParking discount for informal care or home care and/or Parking discount for maternity care. Afterwards, you can create an account on My Parking Action. To do so, please follow the steps below.

  • Go to My Parking Action on your phone, tablet or computer.
  • Click on ‘Activate account’.
  • Enter your e-mail address and click on 'Send'.
  • You will receive an e-mail with an activation link.
  • Did you not receive the activation e-mail?
    • You only need one account for all parking discounts (for visitors, informal or home and maternity care). Are you already making use of one of these parking discounts? And have you submitted an e-mail address for that purpose? That means you already have an account. You can use that account to log in on the web app.
    • Verify that you have entered your e-mail address correctly.
    • Verify that the e-mail address you used for the web app is the same as the e-mail address you submitted when applying for the visitor discount.
    • Check whether the activation e-mail is in your spam inbox.
    • Wait a few minutes, it may take some time before you receive the activation e-mail.
  • Did you receive the e-mail? Then click on the activation link.
  • Submit your desired password.
  • Your new password must meet the following conditions:
    • At least 8 characters.
    • At least one lowercase letter.
    • At least one uppercase letter.
    • At least one number.
  • Enter the same password under ‘Confirm password’.
  • Click the ‘Save’ button.
  • Your account has been activated. You can now log in.

Logging in

  • Go to My Parking Action.
  • Enter your username (your e-mail address) and your password.
  • Go to My Parking Action and log in.
  • Click on your name at the top right of your screen.
  • Click on ‘Settings’.
  • Click on 'Change Password'.
  • First, enter your current password and then submit your desired new password.
  • Submit your new password again.
  • Click on ‘Save’.

Your new password must meet the following conditions:

  • At least 8 characters.
  • At least one lowercase letter.
  • At least one uppercase letter.
  • At least one number.
  • Log in to My Parking Action.
  • Click on 'Forgot your password?'.
  • Submit your e-mail address.
  • Click on 'Send'.
  • You will receive an e-mail with a link to create a new password. Click on this link.
  • Submit a new password and click on ‘Save’.
  • You can now log in with your new password.

Using My Parking Action

In order to use your parking discount, you will need parking funds. You can add funds using My Parking Action:

  • Click on the ‘Balance’ tab. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Click on 'Top up (Cash balance)’.
  • Choose the desired amount (minimum € 5, maximum € 100).
  • Click on 'Pay'.
  • You will then be redirected to the iDeal payment page.
  • Select your bank and pay through your banking app.
  • You have now added parking funds to your balance.

Adding parking funds at city office

If internet banking isn’t an option for you, you can add your parking funds in person at the city office. You can do this with cash or with your bank card. You must activate your account before coming to your appointment.

Make an appointment at the city office or call 14 030.

Explanatory video

Watch the video on how to add parking funds

  • Click on 'Register'. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Select the desired parking discount under ‘Parking product’.
  • At the top, under ‘Start’, verify the date and starting time. This will automatically display the time and today's date. If you would you like to register a visit for another date or time, you can adjust the date and starting time, or click on the calendar icon.
  • In addition, under ‘End’, verify that the end time is correct. This will automatically display the time at which paid parking ends in your district. It is not mandatory to enter an end time. You can do this with the web app when your visitor leaves.
  • Enter your visitor's licence plate under ‘Licence plate'.
  • Click on ‘Register’.
  • Your visitor's licence plate is now registered.

You may register several cars (at the same time) on 1 day (until the parking funds are exhausted). You will pay per car.

Explanatory video

Watch the video on how to register a parking discount

  • Click on the ‘Registrations’ tab. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Find the licence plate of your visitor in the overview.
  • Behind the licence plate, click on the ‘Stop’ button. Your visitor is now deregistered.
  • If your visitor stays until the time indicated under ‘End’, you do not have to deregister them. In that case, deregistration happens automatically.
  • Parking charges can be reviewed under the 'History' tab, as well as all old registrations.

Explanatory video

Watch the video on how to end the parking discount for your visitor

You can let trusted, regular visitors register their own licence plates using their telephone, tablet or computer by authorising them. Please note: it is not possible to authorise someone to add parking funds. The parking charges will always be paid from your parking funds. If you would like to authorise someone, follow these steps:

  • Click on ‘Authorise’. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Next, click on ‘New authorisation’.
  • Submit the e-mail address of the person you wish to authorise.
  • Select the desired parking discount (if you have multiple parking discounts).
  • Give the visitor you are authorising a recognisable description (e.g. a name).
  • Select this visitor.
  • Click on ‘Add authorisation’.

If the visitor you are authorising does not have the web app yet, they will receive a link to activate the web app. If they do have the web app, the parking discount will be added to the visitor's account.

Removing the authorisation

To remove the authorisation, please follow the following steps:

  • Click on ‘Authorise’. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Click on the red X next to the authorisation you wish to remove.
  • Confirm the removal.

Explanatory video

Watch the video on how to authorise someone to register a parking discount

Has someone authorised you to use the web app? This is how you register the parking discount in the web app on behalf of that person.

If you have an account on the web app yourself:

  • Log in to My Parking Action.
  • Click on 'Register'. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Under ‘Parking product’, select the parking discount that says ‘Use’.
  • At the top, under ‘Start’, verify the date and starting time. This will automatically display the time and today's date. If you would you like to register a visit for another date or time, you can adjust the date and start time, or click on the calendar icon.
  • Under ‘End’, verify that the end time is correct. This will automatically display the time at which paid parking ends in your district. It is not mandatory to enter an end time. You can do this with the web app when the visit ends.
  • Enter the visitor’s licence plate under ‘Licence plate'.
  • Click on ‘Register’.
  • Your licence plate is now registered. The parking charges will be paid from the parking funds of the person who authorised you.

If you are only using the web app as an authorised person:

  • Log in to My Parking Action.
  • When you log in, you will automatically be directed to the ‘Register’ section.
  • Click on 'Register'. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • At the top, under ‘Start’, verify the date and starting time. This will automatically display the time and today's date. If you would you like to register a visit for another date or time, you can adjust the date and start time, or click on the calendar icon.
  • Under ‘End’, verify that the end time is correct. This will automatically display the time at which paid parking ends in your district. It is not mandatory to enter an end time. You can do this with the web app when the visit ends.
  • Enter the visitor’s licence plate under ‘Licence plate'.
  • Click on ‘Register’.
  • The visitor's licence plate is now registered. The parking charges will be paid from the parking funds of the person who authorised you.

Useful tips

On your phone, tablet or computer, you can create a shortcut for My Parking Action. This way, you can quickly access the online environment and use it as an app.

Shortcut on an Android phone or tablet

  • On your phone or tablet, go to My Parking Action in Google Chrome.
  • Click on the menu at the top. This is the button with 3 dots.
  • A new screen will appear. In the menu, click on ‘Add to home screen’.
  • You can change the name of the shortcut if you like.
  • Click on 'Add'.
  • You can now find a shortcut on your Google Chrome home screen. Simply click on it if you want to open My Parking Action.

Shortcut on an iOS phone or tablet

  • On your phone or tablet, go to My Parking Action in Safari.
  • Click on the ‘Share’ icon. That's the square with the arrow in it.
  • In the menu, click on ‘Add to home screen’.
  • Change the name of the shortcut if you like.
  • Click on ‘Add’.
  • You can now find a shortcut on your Safari home screen. Simply click on it if you want to open My Parking Action.

Shortcut on a Windows computer

  • Go to your desktop and right-click it.
  • A menu will open. In this menu, select New > Shortcut.
  • Under ‘Enter the location of the item’, enter
  • Click on Next’ and name the shortcut, for example 'My Parking Action’.
  • Click on Finish’.
  • You can now find a shortcut on your desktop. Simply click on it if you want to open My Parking Action.

Shortcut on a Mac computer

  • Go to My Parking Action.
  • In the address bar, click on the icon in front of the URL and drag it to the desktop.
  • You can now find a shortcut on your desktop. You can rename it by right-clicking the shortcut and clicking ‘Change Name’.
  • Click the shortcut to open My Parking Action.

In My Parking Action, you can save license plates you use regularly as favourites, and select them when you turn on your visitor parking discount.

  • Click on the ‘Licence plates’ tab. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Click on ‘Add licence plate’.
  • Enter the licence plate and give it a recognisable name.
  • Click on 'Save'.

If you would you like to delete a licence plate saved as a favourite, simply click on the X in the overview.

Explanatory video

Watch the video on how to save your favourite licence plates

This is how you can immediately see how many hours you have left for a parking discount:

  • Log in to My Parking Action.
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Register’ page. Here, you can see how many hours you have left.
  • You can also look into parking actions and payments you have made:
  • Go to the menu button and click on ‘History’. Here, you will find an overview of your old registrations and payments.
  • Under ‘Start’ and ‘End’, you can select dates to search a certain period.
  • You can search by entering licence plates, product names, product numbers and parking zones in the search field.

Explanatory video

Watch the video on how to view parking actions, payments and hours

Cancelling a parking discount

In the event of relocation or death, the parking discount must be cancelled.

Cancel your parking discount


Do you wish to cancel your parking discount? If so, we can refund the parking funds that are still in your account. Please follow the steps below:

  • Click on ‘Balance’. On your phone, this can be found on the left.
  • Next, click on ‘Request refund’.
  • Click on ‘New Refund Request’.
  • A pop-up will appear. Enter your IBAN and submit the reason for the refund.
  • Click on ‘Confirm’.
  • You will receive a pop-up message with information about the refund.
  • Click on ‘Close’ to close the notification.